不: a block of wood按: press; push down常规: convention违背惯例: out of usual practice按常规: by the book按常规发展: run its course按常规取样: [采矿工程] regular sampling按常规使用: ut mor sol按常规制作: fiat secundum artis regulas按常法制的,按常规做: fiat lege artis不按惯例: non-observance惯例,常规: convention不遵从;不按惯例: non-observance踏出的路, 常规, 惯例: a beaten path; a beaten track会计常规,会计惯例: accounting convention会计惯例, 常规会计: conventional accounting贸易常规;贸易惯例: custom of trade违背: violate; go against; run counter to 违背历史事实 be contrary to the historical facts; 违背良心的合同 unconscionable bargain; 违背人民的意志 go against the will of the people; 违背条约 violate a treaty; 违背原则 violate a principle; 违背诺言 break a promise; go back on one's word按常规办理单独海损免赔额: customary average不依惯例的, 非传统的, 非常规的: unconventional惯例: convention; usual practice; customary rule; customs and usages; routine 国际惯例 international practice; 操作惯例 working rule; 按照惯例 by customary rule; follow the practice of; 违背惯例 out of usual practice; 公认的惯例 a recognized practice; 打破惯例 break away from practices [customs]; 惯例法 code of practice; conventional law常规: 1.(沿袭下来的规矩) convention; rule; common practice; groove; routine 按照常规办事 follow the old routine; 打破常规 break with convention; break the normal procedure; 这种常规做法在美国很盛行。 the conventional practice flourishes in the united states.2.[医学] routine 尿常规 routine urine test; 血常规 routine blood test; 常规部队 conventional forces; 常规裁军 conventional disarmament; 常规定货 regular order; 常规分析 routine analysis; 常规工作 routine work; 常规极化 normal polarization; 常规武器 conventional weapons; 常规战争 conventional war反对,违背: be against冒犯;违背: transgress侵犯,违背: infringe